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PRISM Wildfire Resources

PRISM Wildfire Resources

Each year PRISM members are affected by wildfires that consistently burn throughout the State. While we hope this year is a mild fire year, it’s never too early to start preparing. Here is a compilation of various PRISM resources, links, and information for members. Please do not hesitate to contact PRISM if we can assist in any way.

Risk Control Resources Title 8, Section 5141. 1 Protection from Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire Smoke Awareness Course: Developed by PRISM Risk Control staff and available on the Vector Solutions platform for assignment. The "PRISM: Wildfire Smoke Awareness" course was created to help members meet the Cal/OSHA training requirements to protect outdoor employees exposed to wildfire smoke.

Risk Simplified on Protecting Employees and Understanding the Rules: This informative document was developed by PRISM’s Risk Control Department and is designed to assist our members’ efforts to understand the Cal/OSHA regulatory requirements for protecting outdoor workers exposed to wildfire smoke.

Risk Simplified on Wildfire Smoke Ventilation and Preserving Indoor Air Quality: This document was developed by PRISM's Risk Control Department and is full of ways to mitigate the risks associated with wildfire smoke and indoor air quality.

Cal/OSHA Requirements to Protect Workers Exposed to Wildfire Smoke: An 8-minute video put together by Cal/OSHA to help employers and workers understand the requirements of the Cal/OSHA regulation. This video can be found on YouTube and also the Cal/OSHA Training Academy website.

PRISM Voluntary Respirator Use Training: Filtering Facepiece Respirators (A.K.A. N95): a Vector Solutions training on respirator use based on Cal/OSHA’s Respiratory Protection standard (Title 8 CCR 5144) and demonstrates simple steps that will help workers properly wear a respirator.

Cal/OSHA Worker Safety and Health in Wildfire Regions: Resource page put together by the Department of Industrial Relations including factsheets, Spanish resources, and FAQs.

Did You Know...How to get Prescription Medications During an Emergency Evacuation?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John Nichols in the Risk Control department or call 916.850.7300.

Sarah Bruno

Risk Control

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